ana səhifə Satınalma əlaqə
Ekologiya, Təhlükəsizlik və Keyfiyyət Siyasəti İstehsalat Sahələri Avadanlıqlar Lisenziya, Sertifikat və Şəhadətnamələr
Haqqımızda Struktur İşçi Heyəti Partnyorlar və Xarici əlaqələr Sosial Həyat Fotoqalereya Video Görüntülər Xəbərlər

Ekoloji monitorinq
Laboratoriya xidmətləri
Ekoloji normativ – texniki sənədlərin işlənib hazırlanması
Sənaye-çirkab, tullantı və məişət-fekal suların təmizlənməsi
Parafinin təmizlənməsi
Neftşlamın emalı və zərərsizləşdirilməsi
Neftlə çirklənmiş torpaqların rekultivasiyası, bioremediasiyası
Qazma şlam qutularının (DCB) icarəyə verilməsi
ƏMTQ sənədlərinin hazırlanması

Transport section of CJSC plays an important role in the implementation of environmental projects at the service areas of CJSC.
“Ekol Engineering Services” CJSC fulfills its contractual obligations with "client" organizations properly with its powerful material technical supply and professional staff. Transport section of CJSC is closely involved in the implementation of environmental projects at the service areas of CJSC with the help of its special equipments and transport vehicles.    

During corresponding period of reporting year, according to the contract agreements signed between the client organizations (as a client organization) and “Ekol Engineering Services” CJSC (as a service provider), transport section of CJSC was closely involved in the following activities: transportation of produced water (3056 m3 in total) from the service areas of “Surakhani Oil Operation Company S.A.”, transportation of waste water (198 m3 in total) from  “Neftgastikinti” trust within SOCAR, transportation of waste water ( 210 m3 in total) from the areas of warehouse  and repair/ construction department within Azerigas Production Union,  delivering of  oily and chemical water (1080 m3 in total) generated during production at Waste Management Centre of SOCAR’s Environmental Department.   
Transport section of CJSC carried out the transportation of irrigation water with the help of its special transport vehicles for the vegetation bands located at the service area of Soil Recultivation Department (A-4 Zikh area), greenfield areas of “Eco Park” Innovation Center and wastes (20 m3 in total) and soil (172 m3 in total) were transported by special equipment at the service areas of Waste Processing Department of CJSC (9th area of H.Aliyev Oil Refinery). 
Transport section of CJSC performed the transportation of soil, manure and seedlings to the service areas of Soil Recultivation Department (SRD) and some areas in the production sites were leveled and made suitable for planting with the help of special equipments and transport vehicles.  
By means of special equipments and transport vehicles like GAZelle vehicle goods and production equipments have been transported periodically to the production sites of Soil Recultivation Department and Waste Processing Department of CJSC as well as Waste Management Centre of SOCAR’s Environmental Department.   
In addition to this, transport section of CJSC unloaded oil contaminated soil generated as a result of oil sludge processing at “Alfa-Laval” decanter unit operating at the production site (5 th site) of Waste Processing Department by its special dumping vehicles to the specific areas. The main goal of Transport section of “Ekol Engineering Services” CJSC is to be closely involved in the implementation of environmental projects at the service areas by means of its special equipments and transport vehicles.   
As in previous years, during corresponding period of reporting year, technical inspection of the vehicles were conducted successfully in a timely manner and fuels / lubricants were within normal limits. Drivers were periodically instructed to ensure traffic safety.        
Transport vehicles and special equipments were provided in accordance with requirements at all the service areas of “Ekol Engineering Services” CJSC.  

tarix : 11.03.2021

Nə qədər ki, müstəqil Azərbaycan dövləti var, Azərbaycan xalqı var Heydər Əliyev ürəklərdə yaşayacaqdır.


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